Fashion & Style

  • Buy Less, Buy Better, Wear More

    Buy Less, Buy Better, Wear More

    Here are a few pointers to show how your clothing lifestyle can be adapted to enable you to save more money, increase your outfit options and help reduce your personal contribution to the huge climate change effects the fashion industry has on our planet. At the heart of the “buy less, buy better, wear more”…

  • Shop with Confidence

    Shop with Confidence

    I was inspired to write this article after a trans woman engaged me in an online chatroom. Her opening gambit was a direct question, “How do you have the confidence to go out shopping?” I assume she’d picked up on my love of shopping from my profile on the same website. The question got me…

  • What’s Your Style Personality?

    What’s Your Style Personality?

    What is Style? Think of this as an introduction to the subject. One thing’s for sure, if someone is being too prescriptive about it they’re almost certainly missing the point. Because style is linked to identity and we’re all unique. Having said that, it is possible to broadly define a number of style personalities, which…

  • What is Colour Analysis?

    What is Colour Analysis?

    Colour analysis is the process of establishing which shades of colour suit you. Notice I didn’t say which colours suit you; this is because you can wear any colour provided that the shade matches your colour type. What is colour type? Colorimetry, based on Albert Munsell’s theory of colour divided the human perception of colours…

  • What is the Difference Between Fashion and Style?

    What is the Difference Between Fashion and Style?

    Although you can’t divorce fashion and style they come from two very different quarters. And knowing the difference will help you play the fashion game to your advantage, rather than becoming a victim of it. OK, so what’s the difference? Well, fashion is controlled and dictated by the fashion industry and style, your style, is…